Kishore Mahbubani

A gifted diplomat, writer and thinker speaks to us about the importance of inclusion amidst diversity.

In a world often characterised by conflict and division, Kishore Mahbubani, in his enlightening TEDxSingapore talk, underscores the significance of nurturing peace amidst diversity. He urges us to take advantage of the precious assets left behind by the founding fathers of Singapore – ASEAN and its ability to foster regional stability.

Mahbubani rightly points out that ASEAN is a monumental gift to Singapore, serving as a platform for collaboration and prosperity among its member nations. Singapore, a trade-centric nation, thrives on the facilitation of air and sea movement, a feat made possible by the peace prevailing in the region—a peace meticulously maintained by ASEAN's collective efforts.

Maintaining diversity and ensuring peace require constant vigilance and learning from past failures in geopolitics. Mahbubani urges us to examine these failures, in order to glean invaluable lessons and avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

The recent conflict in Ukraine stands as a stark reminder of geopolitical incompetence and the dire consequences it entails. Mahbubani highlights the Kissinger formula as a potential solution, advocating for Ukraine's full total independence while remaining neutral in military alliances such as NATO—an approach that could have averted the unnecessary war.

Mahbubani highlights the European Union's failure to inclusively engage neighbouring powers in cooperative arrangements, emphasising ASEAN as a shining example of inclusivity and cooperation. Indeed, ASEAN stands as the most inclusive organisation globally, showcasing the potential for peaceful coexistence amidst diversity.

Learning from avoidable conflicts: the Russia-Ukraine war

Singapore’s role in peace-building

Singapore, with its reputation as a philanthropic hub, has the opportunity to play a pivotal role in nudging peace in the region. Mahbubani believes that Singapore leads quietly, by being the model for challenges us to emulate Singapore's example of good governance and urban planning; Singapore is an example of the potential that other Asian nations can strive to fulfil.

The Asian Peace Program, launched by Mahbubani at the Asian Research Institute at the National University of Singapore, akin to an acupuncture needle, seeks to identify strategic points where efforts for peace can be administered effectively. Mahbubani emphasises the importance of finding these points and devising innovative ways to achieve peace in the region.

In conclusion, Mahbubani's insights serve as a clarion call for action in nurturing peace and diversity. By leveraging the lessons from the past, embracing inclusive approaches, and adopting Singapore's ethos of good governance, we can pave the way for a more harmonious and prosperous world. It's time to heed Mahbubani's call and work tirelessly towards building a future where peace and diversity reign supreme. 


A Conversation with TED Fellows