Curating TEDxSingapore 2023

A Personal Journey.

Vivian Lim, founder of The Idea Co and licensee holder for TEDxSingapore, dives into the curatorial process for TEDxSingapore’s flagship event.

From deciding on the theme to garnering a medley of change-makers, she shares about the labour of love undertaken, which made The Spaces Between possible.

"The theme was not just a topic but a call to explore and find solace in shared experiences.”

As the lead curator for TEDxSingapore, the curation process for our 2023 event, The Spaces Between, was deeply personal and transformative. Navigating through a world marked by rapid changes and uncertainties, I realised how crucial it was to address the spaces—both literal and metaphorical—that we often overlook.

TEDxSingapore has always been driven by the incredible dedication and passion of our volunteers, especially for our anchor programs. It was volunteer-led from start to finish, showcasing the remarkable power of community collaboration. Our volunteers brought their energy, creativity, and commitment to every aspect of the event, making it a reality.

What is lesser known and unspoken, is how every year the dynamic mix of volunteer teams brings a different perspective and flavour to the table. Every curation is led by the collective characteristics and personalities of that year’s volunteer mix.

Conceptualisation: Embracing the Flux

Conceptualisation: Embracing the Flux ⋆

I recalled an ideation call with the outgoing core team of 2022 on their thoughts for 2023. The idea for The Spaces Between originated from that call, where it encapsulated a collective sense of flux and impermanence. Our team felt that these were conversations we needed to have, especially amid the social and cultural upheavals around us. 

The theme was not just a topic but a call to explore and find solace in shared experiences. This brainstorming went on during our community mixer at the start of the year, where we ideate on the possibilities with our closest community of speakers, partners, and TEDx family. It evolved to become our team’s curation principle for The Spaces Between. We collectively felt that our community needed spaces: safe spaces for courage, uncomfort, sadness, serendipity. For hope and optimism. Spaces for renewal, for changes, for the unknown. 

Can we have safe spaces to find our identities, between the futility of life and death? Can we build more inclusive public spaces for our communities? How might we allow space for equality and representation, lost ancient wisdom and future innovation? Is there a space for local flavours? Are there still spaces amidst tensions and polarities? Between you and I, us and them? What remains as spaces that remind us of our humanity? 

These plethora of questions filled and fueled the curation team this year..

Finding Humanity in The Spaces Between

Finding Humanity in The Spaces Between ⋆

The Spaces Between was more than just an event; it was a collective exploration of the gaps that shape our lives. Through thoughtful curation, diverse speakers, interactive experiences, and active community engagement, we created a space that was both intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant. 

The Spaces Between celebrated the idea that it is in these in-between moments and spaces where we often find the most profound insights and connections. The success of the event lay in its ability to make the invisible visible, encouraging us all to pay closer attention to the spaces that shape our world and our experiences within it.

Curating this event was a deeply personal journey for me. It reinforced my belief in the power of community and the importance of exploring the spaces that often go unnoticed. As we move forward, I hope to continue fostering these conversations, creating platforms where we can come together to explore, reflect, and find meaning in the spaces between.

Read more about our journey in our upcoming articles!


The Spaces Between, Summarised.